Water Conservation

water used in cultivation
Prevention of Food Loss

lettuce waste
Average Workday

Harvest Volume

Average Employee Age

35years old
Addressing Global Challenges
Water Recycling
Collection and Reuse of Transpiration Using Air Conditioning
Due to population growth and industrial development, water consumption is projected to increase into the year 2050. As a result, more than 5 billion people are estimated to have challenges in accessing fresh water. Our technology allows for the reduction of water usage necessary to cultivate 1kg of lettuce by 96.6% compared to conventional farming, and consequently contribute towards the alleviation of water shortage.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Technological Innovation Serving People
Techno Farm Keihanna utilizes IoT and technology to reduce manpower needed for production by approximately 50%, compared to conventional vertical farms. Integration of tech and human labor allows for reduction in work burden on the agricultural population, and keeps a corporate structure that is both comfortable to work and economically viable.
Reduction of Food Loss
High Yield and High Standards of Hygiene
Our lettuce boasts a high yield rate, compared to conventional farming, leading to major reduction in food loss. Furthermore, our high hygiene standards ensure extended freshness of our products, contributing to reduction of food waste as well.
Towards a Sustainable Future
Vertical Farm Educational Tours
We provide educational factory tours for schools and educational institutions. During these tours, children and students not only have a possibility to observe firsthand our vertical farm operations but are also exposed to and given an opportunity to think about global food and agricultural issues.(Currently we are temporarily suspending acceptance.)
Published by Kyoiku gageki
Textbooks and Educational Resources
We actively collaborate in the publication of educational resources and textbooks. Through the introduction of our vertical farm methods, we hope to further an understanding for our message for sustainable agriculture.